Darian Peter
Isaiah 30:21 " Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, 'this is the way walk in it,' whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left ."
Darian is the younger brother of a really close friend of mine so for that reason I have been able to see Darian since he was a boy and now the young man he has become. I have always admired who he has become and how he desires that each way will benefit those around him and more importantly his Heavenly Father! So for that reason when his mom asked if I would have time to do a session for him and his family, I was thrilled that I could say yes!
The Goertzens are so fun to have in front of my camera and I love that they were themselves! Their session was filled with laughter and a wonderful time! The session just flew by! I loved getting some family photos as well as focusing on Darian and how far he has come!
All the best in your bright future Darian!! I know you will do amazing in collage and wherever the road may lead you!!