Small Town Alberta Friends Session // 2020 Seniors
This session...
I am so blessed friends, I get to photograph the most lovely humans!!
This group of ladies had a tough year, this was their senior year. So many things were different for them, and taken from them. But do you want to know something? They are so positive through it all!! They see the good even through this, they remember to look for the good in every situation! Ladies... you will change the world!! 😘😘😘
P.S. Check out the cutest little photobombers!!! 😉

#Seniors2020 #Graduatingclassof2020 #classof2020 #seniorphotoshootideas #seniorposeideas #FriendsPhotoshoot #BestFriends #FriendsSeniorPhotos #lakesidesession #SparklersPhotography #sparklersphotos #summerphotography #summerfriendssession #biggroupphotos #groupoffriendsposeideas #LifeThroughaLensPhotography #northernalbertaphotoshoot #NorthernAlbertaPhotographer