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Nikki Shauntel

I first met Nikki on the bus... But no seriously, I remember her as the little curly haired girl that sat in the front of the bus. She always had the biggest smile and gave me high fives as I got off the bus. (So yes she seriously is the sweetest human ever!) She now has grown up and is still the sweetest young woman! So when she asked me to capture her senior photos I was thrilled!

We had planned on doing her session with her best friend Jade. Her beautiful horse. But unfortunately she lost her a few months before her session. So instead she brought a canvas painting done by a missionary friend, and her favourite photo of her and did some photos in memory of her! We then continued her session in her stunning purple dress. The amazing thing was that everywhere other than the exact spot that we took photos it was pouring! We got to do her photos to the beautiful sound of thunder in the distance!

I hope you love her photos!

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