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Joe & Jody Driedger

Jody contacted me to see if I would be available to photograph her wedding! I was so glad that I was because I knew right away they would be a great couple to work with!! I love couples like them that want great photographs and care about their photos but are also super chill about their wedding! I always like to keep in contact with my brides before their wedding because I love being a resource for them if they have questions as well as a friend! I knew how excited Jody was about the details of her dress, how excited she was for their AMAZING honeymoon and to become Joes wife!

We had a few unplanned hiccups the day that we took their formal photos but we got over them and had a wonderful time! Joe and Jody were completely relaxed while we took their photos and just loved on each other and laughed together! I loved spending time with them! We shot till we simply had to stop because it was just too dark out to take any more photos! I hope you enjoy these photos!

Jodys Hair was done by Tanessa

Jodys Dress was made by the very talented Mrs Linda Dyck

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